segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015



I'm one of those persons that loves to travel and thinks that taking photographs isn't enough... I like to share, not only where I've been, but what experiences I lived. The true meaning of travelling is to learn, about ourselves, the local I'm visiting and about the persons I'm with or that I meet.

For those that know me, they know that what I say is absolutely true. For those that don't know me and suddenly step on this blog, I can tell you that here you'll find some of the reasons why I love to travel, it doesn't matter where or with whom.

It took some time to take this step, actually I need a little push from a a friend, or a gift that she gave me - a little beautiful notebook - and with it the suddenly wish of starting something totally new for me.  
I work during the week so I can travel on the weekends, sometimes near home, others a little bit farther. People say to me very often, that I was not made to stay in one place, I was meant to travel and live in different places, try different things. Isn't always easy to live this way, not just because I work and have some commitments, but also because sometimes some stones get in our way. 

So, expect to read here some curiosities about different places, that happened with different persons, and also expect to learn something new. But most of all, what I expect is for you to have fun, and please just TRAVEL!!!

Here I leave you with a magic song: "Vida de Estrada" (Road life) by Diabo na 

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