segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2015

Chocalhos: Caminhos da Transumância

Rattles: Paths of Transhumance
September, 2015

     Every year on the third weekend of September, the Alpedrinha village receives the festival called Rattles: Paths of Transhumance. The inhabitants of the village (literally) open  the doors of their houses and garages, inviting visitors to come in and prove all kind of stuff, particularly the many liqueurs, the jeropiga, which are mixed with the smell of "filhoses" to the delight of all. One of the highlights of the festival is the journey by one of the transhumance paths, where the shepherd leads his flock, a well-Portuguese tradition.

photo taken by my uncle: Miguel
      I'm used to go to this event with some friends, but a couple years ago I started going with some of my family members, like my uncle and his girlfriend, my brother and his girlfriend and my mom. This year was no different, except by the fact we had two more addition, my mom's uncle and his wife. Imagine they came from Lisbon to be with us and we took them to go out at night.
      I have some little adventures, some with my friends, like walking miles to get to the car, were one of us was barefoot, and the other was very (very, very drunk), but also with my family, especially the one were I see my mom dancing with my uncle (first time I ever saw her dancing!!!)
      It doesn't matter where, or how old we are, coming together to have fun is always a pleasure!!

PS: On another post I'll talk a little bit more about the Alpedrinha Village!

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