terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2015


September, 2014

    Like I posted before, now I'll talk a little bit more about the Alpedrinha vilage. It's a Portuguese parish, from Fundão's county. It is situated 556 meters above sea level and due to its natural beauty and architectural heritage is nicknamed "Sintra da Beira" (when I talk about Sintra, maybe you'll see the resemblance :) ).

    "Met" this village during a short trip held with foreign students, and although the day wasn't very nice (it was cold and rained a lot), it was quite interesting to know some facts about its heritage.
     In an afternoon I visited the Picadeiro Palace, which is now an interactive museum, which reflects in part the paths taken by shepherds during the transhumance. 

Picadeiro Palace
    The Fountain D. João V, which can also be called by Royal Fountain or Six Spouts. This Fountain is all granite and comprises a bulwark with three faces, each with its spout. According to legend, on the right drank single women, in the middle the married and those who drank on the left were witches.

Small places, can also have major enchantment!!

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