segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015


September 2015

           Aveiro is a Portuguese city, located in the Central Region, 55km from Coimbra and 70km south of Porto. It's a very important city at port , rail, university and also tourist level (as you'll realize)!
I've been in this town countless times but it all came down to a matter of purchases and soft eggs - ovos moles - which are good at any time. But this year was different... This year, for the first time... I crossed the Ria on a moliceiro, a unique experience without any doubt. [Moliceiro is the name given to the boats that circulate in the Ria de Aveiro, lagoon area of Rio Vouga. This vessel was originally used for harvesting of seaweed, but currently most used for tourism purposes.]
I begin by presenting the Falquim, the most enthusiastic moliceiro in the Ria. It's guaranteed you a trip of about 30 to 40 minutes, absolutely ecstatic, since the reports of those who follow us, the songs we hear that contribute to a more joyful journey.

 During the tour, the flow of information is constant, and the landscape becomes divine in certain passages, mixing different architectural styles, with the crossing of a daily life of the people of Aveiro with sightseeing.
While crossing the channel, you can still admire houses similar to those shipyards that once were present along the canal and the salt marshes, whose visit may be done through the Ecomuseum.
In Aveiro, there is a little of what is currently seen in major European capitals, and I'm not talking about shopping, but that area dedicated to lovers - love bridge - with a particularity that instead of so common padlocks, here we find straps, which are tied to the railings of the bridge and which are tourist attraction.
It is also characteristic of this city (an information directed to those who love shopping) An open-air mall,whose sidewalks to passers without any willingness to spend money, are shared by those who yearn to contribute to the booty back home. Of course, along the various city streets, you may find the typical souvenir shops (including soft eggs :) ) and small stands with the famous tripe and American biscuit - true Aveiro's delights. [My advice: try the tripe with after eight, hmmm!!!]
Speaking of food, let me tell you that I debuted in "nutelaria", for those unaware of the term, it is an establishment whose products are made or served with nutella chocolate!!! Because I know what you're thinking 'This is just to get fat', my friends remember that from time to time there'a no problem;). I leave you some suggestions - chocokebab; churritos & waffle.

This year, in the company of some friends, I went to a tea house where is also located the new art museum. A very pleasant space at sight and for our wallets. Its exterior is decorated with puffs and "tables", which are actually decks, but that work perfectly, and allow customers to enjoy a moment of relaxation with quality, and in winter this property offers blankets so we can cover (a detail thoroughly enjoyable).
This property is located near Praça do Peixe, a space where we can find several restaurants and bars that make up the night of Aveiro.
So enjoy your visit to this beatiful city, and here I leave a special thanks to Mariana, Daniel e Rosa, my dear friends.

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