segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2015

Portugal for Little Ones [Portugal dos Pequenitos]

October, 2014

     Portugal of Little Ones is a theme park designed as a playful, educational and touristic space, in order to show aspects of culture and Portuguese heritage in Portugal, but also in the world.

    I should mention that to enjoy the most of this site you must regress a bit and go back to being "little ones", to go only where they go and play again, in the streets, monuments and places of this great little space.
    But where is it, you ask? Located in Largo do Rossio de Santa Clara , in Coimbra and is now a year since I first went there. [It is rare because currently, schools and the parents themselves take the kids there]. It's a different place where the adventurous spirit of the Portuguese people is evident, and just having curiosity is not enough, you have to be willing to play and experiment, because only then is it possible to have a positive experience (instead of boring). 

    A bit of history now: this space was initiated by Professor Bissaya-Barreto  in 1938 and is since 1940 essentially aimed at children (now you realize my previous speech). Its construction was carried out in three stages, namely, the 1st between 1938-40, made up of all the regional houses: Solar of Tras-os-Montes and Minho, typical houses of each region, with orchards, gardens, chapels, mills and pillories, and the most important monuments of the city of Coimbra. The 2nd phase referred to as "monumental area" where are represented the most representative monuments from north to south; and lastly, the 3rd phase, completed at the end of the 50s, which includes monumental and ethnographic representation of the (then) overseas provinces in Africa, Brazil, Macau, the Portuguese India and of Portuguese Timor, as well as representations of Azores and Madeira.

    But how can all this be represented? Well, in the park are buildings on small-scale, organized in five complementary areas: Countries of Portuguese Official Language, Portugal Coastal Islands, Monumental Portugal, Coimbra and Regional Houses, and you can also visit the Costume Museum (which displays about 300 miniature pieces with the evolution of costume, from simple to more elaborate lace fabrics, from simple dress of the XX century to the most sophisticated of the XVI-XVIII century, all of which have been prepared by hand); the Navy Museum and the Furniture Museum.

     When I was there, it was also possible to visit a space (entirely) devoted to Barbie (yes, those dolls that we collected when we were kids).

For some of you this may be a place "not to go", but from personal experience, you can only talk about something if you've tried it or if you went and saw it!!!

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