domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

Parque & Palácio da Pena [Pena Park & Palace]

August, 2015    

First of all, a word of advice:
     1st: don't go by foot, is always up, so enjoy the fact that there are transfers that take you right up to the palace gate;
      2nd: look for a map of the palace, because there are beautiful trails through the gardens and the map can be quite useful.
      3rd: bring water and comfortable shoes, because the length of the entire palace and park are great to exercise your legs.
      Take this advice into account if you really want to enjoy a good tour, something else choose a day when the weather is pleasant (in spring would be a good choice).

      Some useful informations about the history of the Palace and Park: the Park and the Pena Palace is the pinnacle of Romanticism of the nineteenth century, in Portugal. Were D. Maria II and D. Fernando II (King Artist) the authors of such magnificent work.

 With regard to the Palace during the Middle Ages it was built the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Pena, twelfth century. In the year 1503, the Monastery of Our Lady of Pena was donated to the Order of St. Jerome by King Manuel I. In 1755, with the earthquake in Lisbon, the monastery was damaged and fell into decay. in 1838, D. Fernando II bought the monastery, and the recovery and construction of the "New Palace" by King, D. Maria II and the Baron Von Eschwege only occurred between 1842-54. In 1889 the state purchased the Palace and the Park and in 1910-12, after the establishment of the Republic, the palace is converted into a museum. In 1995, it is a UNESCO World Cultural Landscape - UNESCO World Heritage as it is located in the Serra de Sintra.
        About the park, this is regarded as a landscaped design of rare beauty and scientific importance, which occupies about 85 hectares, benefiting from special geological and climatic conditions.
       The park surrounds the entire palace, and because of my friend was extremely tired after nearly 3 hours of visit, we decided not to go through the whole park. But I will show you some of the places he went.
      Well, we entered through Lakes Entrance (which is still far from the main entrance, above). We walked by the Lake Valley and up to the Fountain of birdies. The Valley consists of five lakes to where the main water line of the park goes. The fountain is a construction of Islamic style, with spherical dome and with inscription in Arabic. After we passed through Nora and Chapel Minor to the Palace. However, some of the iconic park locations are the Cruz Alta (highest point of the Serra de Sintra - 529m), the Cave of the Monk, the Alto de Santa Catarina (a viewpoint with the "throne of Queen" carved into the rock), the table Queen, the Temple of Columns, Queen D. Amelia Garden, the Chalet of Countess D'Ella and its garden.
      As you can see, much remained to see ... the conclusion is that it looks like I'll have to go back there. After a big climb we encounter the greatness of the palace, time to recharge the batteries and go visit it. I must confess that was the outside that most fascinated me, from the colors to the details finely carved, which decorate the arches and doorways, columns and more columns. I add that one of the most spectacular is the merman and also the wonderful views from anywhere in the Palace.

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