domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015

Óbidos Christmas Village

December, 2012/13

    Hi everyone!!! I apologize for my disappearance, all this time, but the work, friends and other wanderings occupied my time.
   So now that I am back and enjoying this holiday season, I decided to do two very similar publications in that it suit this Christmas season.
    Today I'll talk about the Obidos Christmas Village, and tomorrow (I hope), I will present to you some of the Christmas traditions in Portugal, but especially from my family.


    The beautiful village of Obidos, with white houses adorned with bougainvilleas and honeysuckle was captured from the Moors by the first king of Portugal, Afonso Henriques, in 1148. Later, King Dinis gave it to his wife, Queen Saint Isabel. From then until 1883, the village and the surrounding land was always the property of the queens of Portugal.
    Surrounded by a ring of medieval walls and crowned by the Moorish castle rebuilt by D. Dinis, who is now am inn, Óbidos is one of the most perfect examples of our medieval fortress.

Christmas Village

    With the arrival of the month of December, the Obidos village is filled with light, color and fantasy, and becomes a dream place where everyone can live magical experiences, among countless games and amusements. The Santa's House, the nativity scene, shows, games, ice rinks, inflatable, there are many amusements that can provide special moments.
    For two years straight I visit this special place in the most amazing (for me) time of the year, and believe me I became a child again. The will to play with the several characters that go through out the village, and taking picture in every corner, trying hot chocolate and "pasteis de nata" de chocolate, made me happy.
   If you have kids believe me this is a must go place at this time of year, but if you don't have kids but like to live like one, try it too. Also you can visit all the little streets filled with the smell of caramelized dried fruits, and the famous "ginjinha" (a kind of liquor) de Óbidos, in a cup of chocolate.

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