quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015

Buddha Eden - Garden of Peace

November, 2014

    A year ago, I visited a garden called the Garden of Peace, and I think this is the best time to talk about it in the light of recent events around the world. Many translate the tour of the Buddha Eden as peace portrayed in a garden.

The Garden was begun in 2001 at Quinta dos Loridos, in the parish of Carvalhal in Bombarral, owned by Commander Joe Berardo. After the Taliban government destroyed unique monuments, classified by UNESCO as World Heritage, the Commander Berardo began another of his dreams, the construction of this extensive garden, paying tribute to the colossal Buddhas carved into the rock in the Bamyan valley in the center Afghanistan.

   The garden has about 35 hectares, and is still a work in progress, however, can count on a huge number of sculptures. In this oriental garden, about 6000 tons of marble were carved. The landscape design was the direct guidance of the Commander.
    It is now the largest garden of this kind in Europe. Consisting of various routes, always flanked with statues and small meditation spaces. With a symbolic price of 2,5€, and children under 12 are admitted free.
     The garden aims, inner peace, with visitors and the world.
"This garden has a message of reconciliation to any religious belief, ethnicity, nationality, social and cultural status"

For more informations, the official page:

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015

Caves of Mira d'Aire

November, 2014

Hi again :)

    This time I'm going to take you on a journey to the interior of earth (seriously). I'm going to introduce you to the Caves of Mira d'Aire. I've been there twice, but it's always an amazing descent.
    The central region of Portugal between Rio Maior, Alcobaça, Porto de Mos, Batalha, Leiria, Ourém, Torres Novas and Alcanena is occupied by limestone hills that make up the Extremaduran massive limestone. It comprises two main mountain ranges, the Aire and Candeeiros.
     The Caves of Mira D'Aire beyond the natural beauty that impose in their rooms are still the biggest tourist caves of Portugal, and having to the public 600m of the 11km that make them up.
    It was in 1947 that for the first time some men try to explore the cave. In 1949, cavers have continued to discover a route of 500 meters, called "Grand Gallery." In this track you can observe the "Fountain of Pearls", the "Octopus Galleries", the "Organ" and "Black River", which gave access to the "Areal" in the bottom of the Grand Gallery.
   From the 50s and 60s it was possible to reach the "Syphon of the Sands", the "Shell" and "Labyrinth" until it was discovered the "Final Pit".
      Was elected one of the 7 Wonders of Portugal on 11th of September 2010.
    Stairs, passages, galleries and waterways make the descent (with an approximate duration of 1 hour), an unforgettable experience.
For more informations, just check out this site: 

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2015


November, 2013-15

    Hello again :) . I know I've not written for some time, but unfortunately some unforeseen happened, but now I'm back.
    So as a first post this month, I decided to write, not over an actual trip, but on a Portuguese tradition that always happens in November, especially on the 11th: the Magusto.

    I will explain to you a little bit of tradition: the magusto is a popular celebration where groups of friends and families gather around a bonfire to roast chestnuts to eat, accompanied by jeropiga, piquette or wine. They make up games such as jumping the fire and get each otherers dirty, with the ashes (so it is not at all advisable to use white clothes, believe me).

   The magusto is celebrated on the day of St. Martin, November 11, but it is common to make it throughout the month of November. This is associated with a legend, which says that a Roman soldier, named Martin of Tours when passing on horseback by a nearly naked beggar, as he had nothing to give, cut his cloak in half with his sword. It was a rainy day and According to legend at the time he gave one half to the beggar, it stopped raining and the sky was clear and a sunny summer flooded the land with light and heat. It is said that God, so that men would not forget such act of kindness, every year at this same time, ceases for a few days the cold weather and the sky and the earth are blessed with a warm sun, deriving hence the expression "Summer of St. Martin".
    Is customary at this time to participate in the famous Road of the Chestnut, which takes place in a quiet and picturesque village, Alcongosta, which begins with a breakfast, preparing for a hike through the Serra da Gardunha, ending with a lunch and the beautiful magusto.
I've done it all :D